Everyone can benefit from therapeutic massage! Research increasingly confirms that clients who receive massage recover more quickly than those who do not. As part of our dedication to your healthcare I want to make sure that you receive the personal attention that you deserve. Treatments are to the specific needs of each patient based on the combination of techniques that will best support your body's healing process.
Therapeutic massage can provide dramatic results for many conditions
? Relaxes tension throughout the body and mind
? Relieves congestion
? Reduces inflammation and swelling of joints ligaments and tendons
? Loosens tight muscles
? Speeds recovery for injuries
? Eases headaches and neck pain
? Improves physical function
? Increases circulation of blood and tissue fluids
? Reduces stress anxiety and blood pressure
According to a 1998 article in the New England Journal of Medicine massage therapy is estimated to be the third most prevalent type of alternative medical treatment sought by Americans - following Chiropractic and relaxation techniques.
Schedule today for a massage to eliminate muscle stress tension tightness and pain along with your chiropractic adjustment.
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