We provide high quality acupuncture treatments at affordable rates in a supportive community setting. Acupuncture is a natural simple safe and effective form of health care. Acupuncture is one of the oldest most common and dependable medical therapies used in the world. Acupuncturists use thin sterile disposable needles inserted superficially into specific areas of the body in order to help the body's innate ability to heal itself.
Acupuncture can relieve stress decrease inflammation calm spasms boost immunity increase fertility induce labor dispel a migraine shrink swelling relieve pain regulate hormones cut recovery time of surgery almost in half calm anxiety lift depression restore mobility improve digestion and create deep relaxation. That?s only a partial list of the amazing bene?ts of acupuncture.
Offers Traditional Acupuncture to the community and to educate the public about the benefits of acupuncture and holistic health care.
Service Provides acupuncture treatment for all ages and education through public lectures and classes about acupuncture and complementary medicine. Alison Hartman has been in practice as a licensed acupuncturist for over 32 years.
Area Served Serves Carroll County and surrounding area.
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Phone No : | 8662021771 |
Website : | http://www.westminsteracupuncture.net |
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