A neurologist is a medical doctor or osteopath who has trained in the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders including diseases of the brain spinal cord nerves and muscles. Our practice treats a variety of neurological conditions including the following: ALS Lou Gehrig's disease Alzheimer's disease Back pain Bell's palsy Brain cancer Carotid artery stenosis Carpal tunnel syndrome Cephalic disorders Cerebral aneurysm Cerebral palsy Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Chronic pain Coma Dementia Encephalitis Guillain-Barre syndrome Headaches migraines Herniated disks Huntington's disease Hydrocephalus Intervention pain management Meningitis Movement disorders Multiple sclerosis (MS) Myopathies Neurofibromatosis Neuropathy Parkinson's disease RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) Seizures (epilepsy) Sleep disorders Spinal cord disordersdiseases Stroke Traumatic brain injury Tremor Tumors (in the nervous system) Vertigo
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Phone No : | 5404094170 |
Website : | http://www.winchesterneurological.com |
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